Tootsie Pops… how many licks?

Here is some end of summer fun for everyone… (originally published in “Digital Apex Attacks” #22, February 6, 2003)

As many of you know, Gene and I [Brad, referring to a favorite workshop by Apex Ministries] tackle the tough questions all of you have about the “Mysteries of the Universe”, and do our best to answer them.  Every now and then we get a really tough or tricky question.  Whenever we honestly can’t answer a question, we do our best to research the answer when we get home.  I was asked fairly recently about the wrappers of Tootsie Pops with stars on them, and not knowing right away, I promised to get to the bottom of the mystery. [Read more…]

The Beautiful Gifting of Food

I have a confession that could get me into trouble.  By outing this secret, I could bring chaos into my household, break our budget, and make my husband very unhappy.  So…Here it is (lean in close):


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