Some heroes to imitate and intercessors to call on during February. Chock full of links (all the underlined words) to learn more if you care to. Add your favorites to your calendar and do something special to remember them and pray with them on their feast days. It’s not an exhaustive list, but a great place to start. [Read more…]
February 2012 Saints
January Saints
Some heroes to imitate and intercessors to call on during January. Chock full of links (all the underlined words) to learn more if you care to. Add your favorites to your calendar and do something special to remember them and pray with them on their feast days. It’s not an exhaustive list, but a great place to start. [Read more…]
Advent Music
If I had my way, I would have added to the subject line “Advent Music…to soothe the savage beast of marketing and rubbish.” But then it was too long…
Wanted you all to know of a band…Future of Forestry and their incredible 2 part album entitled “Advent Christmas.” Musicality that inspires me. [Read more…]
December Saints
Some heroes to imitate and intercessors to call on during December. Chock full of links (all the underlined words) to learn more if you care to. Add your favorites to your calendar and do something special to remember them and pray with them on their feast days. It’s not an exhaustive list, but a great place to start. [Read more…]
November Saints
Some heroes to imitate and intercessors to call on during November. Chock full of links (all the underlined words) to learn more if you care to. Add your favorites to your calendar and do something special to remember them and pray with them on their feast days. It’s not an exhaustive list, but a great place to start.
October Saints
Some heroes to imitate and intercessors to call on during October. Chock full of links (all the underlined words) to learn more if you care to. Add your favorites to your calendar and do something special to remember them and pray with them on their feast days.
Bl Teresa of Calcutta
I can’t believe I missed her on the September Saints calendar! September 5th is the Feast day of Mother Teresa, now known as Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. Read more on the Vatican Site by clicking here. Soak in some of her quotes here at EWTN.
September Saints
Some heroes to imitate and intercessors to call on during September. Chock full of links (all the underlined words) to learn more if you care to. Add your favorites to your calendar and do something special to remember them and pray with them on their feast days.
Joia @
Joia was recently interviewed by Lisa Hendey, founder of of A HUGE thanks to Lisa for the article.
The musicians who live in my house probably dream sometimes about having a mom as cool as Catholic rocker Joia Farmer. This amazing mom of four, a pro-life advocate, musician and speaker has done an amazing job of using her God-given talents to spread faith and joy to so many. I’m happy to share my recent conversation with Joia and hope you’ll enjoy and purchase her music to support her fantastic apostolate.
Read the whole interview (concert video included) by clicking here…
August Saints (Part 2: 16-31)
August Part 2… Some more heroes to imitate and intercessors to call on during August. Chock full of links (all the underlined words) to learn more if you care to. Add your favorites to your calendar and do something special to remember them and pray with them on their feast days. [Read more…]