I love food. I love it like macaroni likes cheese. Mmmmm cheeese…..
I digress…. what I love most about food is the way that it brings people together around a table to participate in an ancient form of survival…eating. And when that eating brings about moans of satisfaction – and in our family of 6 – a few moments of chewing-induced silence…bliss.
This is where this part of our blog comes in. I want to share with the world my love of food and its preparation. NOTHING complicated, cuz, hey, I’m a mom of 4 and I work both inside and outside of the home and at the end of the day, I can’t be bothered by more than 4 steps of preparation. I want to share with you, world, that you can have it all. A pleased palate and a short to-do list. So you can look forward to many posts of my food meanderings – both triumphs (yay!) and failures (we all have them – its reality).
So check back, mothers and fathers of many or few…this page will be for you!!
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